Street Fighter X Tekken is a crossover fighting game developed by Capcom and features characters from both the Street Fighter franchise and Namco's Tekken series. In the game, players select two characters and face other duos in tag team fighting matches, in which the objective is to knock out one of the members from the opposing team. In addition to the game's multiplayer modes, the game also features a single-player story mode with a plot revolving around a mysterious object called the Pandora. As Street Fighter X Tekken was made by Capcom, with Namco being involved more in the licensing of the Tekken cast, the gameplay is based on the 2D gameplay of Street Fighter, with projectile moves such as the Hadouken, as opposed to the Tekken series. Namco is currently producing their own take on the crossover, Tekken X Street Fighter, which will follow their 3D style of gameplay. Unique features in Street Fighter X Tekken include the Gem System, which allows players to equip special gems to power-up various character attributes and Pandora Mode, in which a character's strength and abilities are temporarily augmented.
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Street Fighter X Tekken Save Game Info:
Complete Arcade Mode on Hardest Difficulty using All Characters
Complete All Mission with Golden Trophies
Unlock All Titles
Unlock All Titles
Street Fighter X Tekken Save Game Installation:
1. Extract "Street Fighter X Tekken Save Game.rar" using WinRar
2. Copy the folder to: “Documents\CAPCOM\SFTK\savedata\”
Street Fighter X Tekken Save Game Download Link:
password: mangacouncil
Sorry I can't share my save data, guys. Because it's tied to GFWL (Games for Windows Live), and saves linked to GFWL accounts won't work on other systems.
kok malah ke direct ke street fighter v, reupload dong -/\-
ReplyDeletegua pake nya yang versi GFWL gan, so save game nya gak bisa di transfer >_<
DeleteBeneran gak bisa min? :(
DeleteThe links not working. Its just redirecting me to the same page here.
ReplyDeletereup please link doesnt dork ty
ReplyDeletereupload cant download it just refresh the page
ReplyDeletePls reupload the save game data of street fighter x tekken
ReplyDeletefix link please :(
ReplyDeleteplss update the link . plsss :( i need badly thanks in advnced
ReplyDeleteplease, the link is broker :(